Benefits of Online Therapy During the Summer: Thoughts from an Online Therapist

Photo of a man driving representing how online therapy allows you to see a therapist from anywhere you travel in the state of Tennessee.

Summer is a fun time for many people, but it can still be busy! If you're a college student, you may be traveling home for the summer. Or, you might be visiting family all over the state. Because of this, it can be a bit hard to keep up with therapy over the summer. But that doesn't have to be the case.

Online therapy allows you to meet with a therapist from anywhere in the state of Tennessee! It's flexible and convenient, and during the summer it's an especially great option. You don't have to wait 3 months to get back into therapy. Working with an online therapist allows you to take advantage of the summer months and continue to make progress in therapy!

What are the Benefits of Online Therapy?

Online Therapy is Flexible

If you have a busy schedule, it can be hard to fit in therapy. Working with an online therapist makes it easier to schedule your sessions. You don't have to worry about the time it takes to drive to and from your sessions, traffic delays, or parking. You can schedule your sessions on your lunch break, in between summer classes, or in the small bit of time you have before your kids get home from swim lessons.

As a therapist, I understand that the responsibilities of parents can make in-person counseling impractical. This is why I'm happy to offer online therapy at Vitus Counseling.

You Can See a Therapist from Anywhere in Tennessee

It’s important to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with. But sometimes it can be hard to find a therapist that’s the right fit for you. Which is why it can be really discouraging to have to find a new therapist when you start college or go home for the summer. That is why working with an online therapist is a great option for recent college graduates or students in Tennessee. It allows you to stick with the same therapist, so you don't have to worry about finding a new one while you're home or on vacation.

Since you can attend your sessions from anywhere in the state, it also means that you can work with a therapist while you're on vacation or on a work trip in Tennessee. This way you can keep making progress and working on your goals year round.

Online Therapy is Convenient and Comfortable

Photo of a woman on her computer outside with her dog. This photo represents how working with an online therapist allows you to have therapy sessions from anywhere you'd like.

For those who live in more rural areas of Tennessee (looking at you here Sequatchie County or Moore County) or those who do not have access to transportation, online therapy is a much more accessible option. You can attend your counseling sessions from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere you have internet connection. You get to choose where you want to have your sessions. It can be from your patio, your backyard, or in your pajamas from your living room!

It gives you the choice to pick a place where you feel most comfortable. And being comfortable in therapy is essential to making progress.

Working with an Online Therapist is Private and Confidential

Online therapy is also a great form of therapy for those who value privacy. You don't have to worry about running into someone in a lobby or other people overhearing your conversation. You'll have the full privacy of your home or whichever private place you choose to have your sessions. I provide online therapy through a HIPAA-compliant online platform to protect my client's privacy and keep online sessions secure.

Take the first step to starting Online Therapy

Photo of someone walking towards a sunset. This photo represents how you can take the first step today to working with an online therapist in Tennessee.

As a therapist, I understand that life gets busy and it can be difficult to make time for your mental health. Even during the summer when things are “supposed” to slow down. Online therapy can make starting and sticking with therapy much easier. That’s why I provide online therapy to people living anywhere within the state of Tennessee.

If you’re interested in beginning online therapy, you can take these steps to start:

  1. Submit a contact form through my website

  2. Learn more about my services and how therapy can help you

  3. Begin working through the challenges in your life through online therapy


At Vitus Counseling, I understand how important it is to get the help you need when you need it. I also understand that those needs are not the same for everyone. That is why I offer a range of counseling services to help my clients through the many challenges they may be experiencing. I can support you through anxiety and depression. I also offer therapy for addiction too. And I offer Catholic counseling for those who are looking for a counselor that aligns with their faith.

If you’re considering counseling, please take the first step and reach out. No matter what you’re experiencing, you are deserving of healing, and I can help.