Getting Outdoors for Mental Health & Spiritual Connection: Germantown, TN Parks and Trails

If you're looking for a way to improve your mental health, getting outdoors and exploring nature is a great place to start. Here in Germantown, Tennessee we are so fortunate to have many beautiful parks and trails that are perfect for spending time in nature. In this blog we're going to be discussing how getting outside and enjoying nature can be beneficial for your mental health and spiritually rewarding. So take your laptop (or phone) outside and get some fresh air while you learn more!

Nature and Mental Health

In the winter, many people have a hard time getting outside. It's chilly, it get's darker earlier in the day, and often it's snowy or wet out too. Now that the weather is nicer, it's important that we get back into the habit of getting outdoors.

Photo of a man enjoying nature representing the benefits of nature for mental health and spirituality. I offer catholic counseling in germantown, tn for christians.

Being outside and spending time in nature has many positive effects on our mental health. It's been shown to reduce stress, improve people's moods, and boost creativity. For people who struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), being outside and enjoying sunshine is especially important. The sun provides us with vitamin D, which helps to regulate our moods and improve symptoms of depression.

There are many ways to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Even just sitting outside in the sunshine can improve your mood. However, if you can go for a hike or take your dog on a run, you'll be able to take advantage of the great things exercise can do for your mental health too. However you enjoy spending your time outdoors, make sure that you're getting outside regularly.

Nature and Faith

For religious and spiritual people, nature can also be a place of worship and spiritual connection. Saint Francis of Assisi is known for his love of nature and animals, and he saw nature as a reflection of God's glory. When we take the time to appreciate nature, we are also taking the time to appreciate God's creation.

Photo of a woman praying in nature representing the way christians can connect with god through nature. I am a catholic counselor offering therapy in germantown, tn and online counseling.

One of the best things about nature is that it can be a place of peace and quiet. In our fast-paced world, it can be hard to find time to slow down and reflect. If you're looking for a way to connect with God, nature is the perfect place to start. When we're outside in nature, we can take the time to pray and reflect on our lives. We can ask God for guidance, and spend time in silent contemplation. Next time you're outdoors, let yourself be open to God's presence. You may find that He speaks to you in surprising ways.

Local Parks and Trails in Germantown, Tennessee to Explore

Now that we've talked about some of the ways nature is beneficial for your mental health and spiritual connection, let's explore some of the best places to get outdoors in Germantown, TN.

Photo of a trail in the woods representing the trails in germantown, TN. I am a faith-based therapist in Tennessee for christians and catholics.

Howard McVay Park

Howard McVay Park is a great place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, especially if you have a family. There are plenty of benches to sit and reflect, along with trails for walking too. There is also a playground for your kids to enjoy if you bring them along.

Nashoba Park

Nashoba Park is a beautiful and serene place to pray or watch the sunset. You can bring a blanket to sit by the pond and watch the clouds pass by. Or, you can walk around with your dog or a friend if you want to get some exercise in.

Oaklawn Garden

Oaklawn Garden is another fun park filled with lush greenery and flowers. There are plenty of nice quiet areas to sit with your thoughts - as long as the train isn't passing by. There are also historic landmarks to explore as well.

Cameron Brown Park

Cameron Brown Park is also a great park for families. There's a playground for kids and plenty of parking too. My favorite part is the pond surrounded by trees, which is especially nice in the fall as the leaves change colors.

Now you know that if you're looking for a place to get outside and enjoy nature, Germantown has plenty of options. These are just a few of my favorite spots in town, but there are plenty more to explore. I encourage you to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors! It's good for your mental health, and it's a great way to connect with God too.

Begin catholic counseling in Germantown, TN

If you're struggling with your mental health, you are not alone. Many Christians struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. As a Catholic counselor, I help to guide my clients out of the dark places in their life so they can begin to heal. I offer research-based therapy that is grounded in the Catholic faith. You don't have to struggle on your own. Working with a counselor that understands your faith can help you to experience God's healing kindness.

If you are ready to start your counseling journey, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me at or (901)-257-9031

  2. Set up a free consultation call and learn more about my approach to counseling

  3. Begin Catholic counseling in Germantown, TN

Additional Counseling Services Offered at Vitus Counseling

I understand that you are a complex person, and you may be struggling with more than one mental health concern. In addition to anxiety and depression, I specialize in a range of services at Vitus Counseling. If you’re experiencing trauma or PTSD, I offer trauma treatment. Additionally, I provide addiction treatment for those struggling with substance abuse.

My counseling office is located in Germantown, TN but I also provide online counseling to anyone living in the state of Tennessee. If you’re considering counseling, please take the first step and reach out. You deserve to find healing, and I can help.